
An exciting time to be from the Tees Valley

It’s great to see that exciting things are happening down at Teesworks – the UK’s largest industrial zone – with the enormous SeAH Wind Ltd factory going up at pace.

DTW was invited on a tour of the site as part of a supplier event organised by Teesworks and Decerna, supported by Tees Valley Net Zero and Tees Valley Supply Chain.

It was a great day, giving local businesses the opportunity to network and see first-hand the progress that’s being made on the Teesworks site, with the SeAH Wind factory already stretching 800m, with another 100m still to be built.

Work is also progressing to get the site ready for BP’s blue and green hydrogen plants, along with the installation of British Steel’s electric arc furnace at Lackenby.

The potential for the Tees Valley jobs and skills market is huge. The investment will lead to the creation of thousands of jobs in the long-term, along with business opportunities for thousands of people involved in the supply chain.

The career possibilities for our young people, who are currently at school, college or university, and those who are even younger, are going to be significant.  

Investment on this scale doesn’t happen overnight, so it may be a while before we reap the full benefits, but it certainly looks like progress is being made on site.        

Thanks to Decerna for the great presentation and advice about the importance of sustainability in any business growth plans, along with information about applying for a free carbon reduction plan and £2k grant to improve the carbon emissions of businesses in the Tees Valley. We certainly plan to take advantage of that.


Parliamentary success for f40 and the DTW team in a busy Westminster week

It’s been a busy but highly productive week for DTW and the great team at our client f40 after we played a role in two important events in Westminster in our campaign for better funding and resources for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). 


Putting communication at the heart of the UK’s Net Zero efforts

The enormous task we face in helping the UK to meet its Net Zero targets by 2050 is daunting.

It’s only when you listen to waste and recycling specialists working in the sector that you begin to really appreciate the sheer scale of the job ahead and just how far we need to progress if we are to get anywhere near this target.


Making an impact in public affairs campaigning

It can be extremely difficult to get your messages heard by policymakers and the powers that be with all of the noise and demands swirling around Westminster. 


Bold, brave and brilliant – A campaign that speaks our language

Very occasionally we see an advert or campaign that stops us in our tracks: something that resonates, speaks our language, and makes us sit up and listen.

Surprisingly, it doesn’t happen as often as it should – especially when the aim is behaviour change.

Maybe that’s because there’s so much noise out there: we have become partially deaf and blind to the millions of messages we see every day.

Perhaps, many are bland, exactly the same as what’s gone before. Or, perhaps, they are not actually speaking our language at all.

Hats off then to City of York Council, which has knocked the ball out of the park with its anti-litter campaign.

Bold, brave and brilliant, it talks directly to the litter louts, uses a language they recognise, and ultimately shames them into changing their behaviour.

Hitting the right buttons

This campaign does everything a good campaign should. It:

  • Identifies its audience ✅
  • Understands how they think ✅
  • Speaks their language ✅
  • Uses clear messaging ✅
  • Tells people what to do ✅
  • Results in a change of behaviour ✅

Most people want to do the right thing and want to be seen as a good person. We want to fit in.

Nobody wants to be classed as the village idiot, or a ‘tosser’, as in this case. It’s just not cool.

And nobody wants to be the butt of the joke. And with this campaign, litter louts are certainly that.

It will have a far greater impact than simply asking people to put their litter in the bin. 

Dare to be different

Direct, head-turning campaigns, such as this, are more common in Australia and New Zealand, especially around road safety and public health. But in the UK, we have been too risk averse to adopt them, perhaps fearing a public outcry from a minority.
Driving campaign billboard

It’s refreshing to see a local authority – normally the epitome of straight and proper – talk in our language, confront the offenders, and use humour to get their message across.

Big round of applause to the City of York Council teams that created this campaign, and then gave it the go ahead. 👏🏼

We hope to see more of it!