Make your member communications sizzle this summer

Photo of a straw hat hanging on the back of a deckchair on a beach with the sea in the background

Join us on 20 June 2024 at Memcom’s tropical summer party for an exclusive DTW session for Memcom members on ‘How to ensure your campaigns hit the spot: engaging with members and government in a post general election world’

The last time we joined Memcom in London we were at their 2023 Excellence Awards and proudly took home three awards for our work with ISTD on their ‘Find Your Dance Space’ campaign. 

So, we were thrilled when Memcom asked us to dig out our Hawaiian shirts and kick off this year’s tropical-themed festivities with an exclusive session on successfully engaging with members and government in the wake of the upcoming general election.

The session is registration only and places are limited, so if you’re planning to join the party and want to attend our session, be sure to sign up quickly!

So, Hawaiian shirts and sandals aside, what are we going to be covering?

Whatever the outcome of the General Election on 4th July, the UK will essentially have a new Government. Whether that is a Kier Starmer led Labour Party returning to the office for the first time in 14 years, a dramatically rejuvenated Conservative Party under Rishi Sunak or some kind of coalition arrangement, it will be the biggest shake-up in the British political world for a long time.

The landscape is likely to change overnight. For membership organisations that brings risk and opportunity. But how will you engage with your members and the new government – whatever its political flavour – and ensure your campaign work hits the spot?

DTW Directors Chris Taylor and Hayley Stewart will lead an engaging and interactive session to help you prepare for the brave new world, covering:

  • Top tips on how to make the most of life under a new Government
  • Leading members to maximise new opportunities
  • Making engagement with politicians meaningful for you

We’ve got plenty of experiences and knowledge to share – just over the past three years DTW has supported professional membership and regulatory bodies who represent or regulate over 1.6million professionals in the UK, helping them to grow membership, improve member satisfaction and boost reputation.

We’re looking forward to a lively and interactive session as we know that Memcom attendees always have plenty to contribute as well!

It would be great to see you there.