DTW superheroes on the loose

DTW superheroes on the loose

Having planned some much-needed refresh and recharge time, last month Lorna and I unleashed our inner superheroes – taking the opportunity to completely disconnect from work and re-energise.

We juggle busy work schedules with family life, but one thing we’ve always done is schedule time for a little self-care. For some that might mean relaxing and doing nothing. For us, it’s the opposite!

From Ibiza DJ and Sax duo Lovely Laura and Ben Santiago to Café Mambo and Symphonic Ibiza, we partied away in Skeg Vegas (Skegness) to the feel-good tunes of the White Island, pretending we were in sunnier climes.

We spent our mornings walking along the beach catching up on anything and everything, then mid-afternoon we hit the dance floor, busting moves with tins of beans, dinosaurs, and Power Rangers, to name a few.

Tracking around 40,000 steps a day (quite a bit more on Sunday) we felt like we’d done several gym workouts with all that dancing. It wasn’t a relaxing break, but it was just what we needed.

What’s this all about? It’s the importance of down time. Taking time out to have fun – whatever that may be – and recharging. Then getting back to work refreshed and productive, with increased focus and fresh ideas. It’s good for your mindset, good for your happiness, and good for the business.

And the costumes? Well, that’s just us celebrating being awesome!

So, embrace your inner superhero and make time for a little fun to recharge in your own way. Stay tuned for more tales from our escapades in the future…