Legal Expert Media Columns

The Law Society


The Law Society


Legal Expert Media Columns


Public Relations


Membership Organisations and Regulatory Bodies​


August 2018 - 2020

The Brief

We were appointed to grow the reach of the Law Society’s ‘Solicitors: Here to help’ brand campaign messaging into specific geographical locations using regional media.

The aim was to highlight topics where a solicitor could provide expert legal advice around specific areas of law, including business, family, conveyancing and personal injury by developing regular media columns with key regional newspapers.

Our Work

We developed the concept of ‘Legal Expert’ columns where different local solicitors could give legal advice on topical issues on a regular basis, and worked with the Law Society to get members involved and persuade regional newspaper editors to run the columns.

We identified three areas – South Wales, North East England, and Bradford – to pilot the columns and assess their impact, looking at the popularity of different legal issues covered. Due to the success of these first media columns we expanded to feature regular legal columns in other regional publications too, broadening our coverage to include the West Country, York, and Yorkshire, as well as a regional business magazine.

Working closely alongside expert solicitors to author the columns around topical legal issues, including subjects relating to Covid-19, we managed the relationship with the media outlets to ensure that the content was based on topics they were interested in and  provided in a format they could easily work with.

This involved producing a number of columns relating to changing business and employment law throughout Covid-19, as well as topical issues throughout the year, such as domestic violence, buying a house and making a will.

We supplemented the written content with graphics and visuals, creating a link back to the wider ‘Solicitors: Here to help’ campaign and maximising media space.


During 2020, we generated 22 pieces of coverage in eight key publications across the North East, Bradford, York, Yorkshire, the West Country and Wales, resulting in a total readership of over 700,000 (excluding online figures).

Simple line graphic of pencil drawing a line

Pieces of coverage

Simple line graphic of speech bubbles

Major regional publications

Simple key line graphic of an eye


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image of case study
image of case study